To whom it may concern,
March 10, 2016
It is with a great deal of gravity and frustration that I write to you. My father, was in a scooter accident
on March 2nd at about 5:20pm in Bonaire,
Dutch Antilles. I was with him and rushed to his aid. I found him bloodied and battered, in severe pain, and barely able to breath.
He thought at first that he had broken his back, but it ended up being his
ribs and clavicle. He had a substantial
contusion also on his left forearm
which was bleeding. It was on the same side of the broken ribs and
clavicle. His head had two obvious
wounds on his head and he was bleeding profusely
as he had broken an
artery. The wounds that we could not see were a bruised lung and some bleeding on the brain consistent with the type of accident
that he had.
I called 911 and my call was immediately
answered and the rescue squad was able to arrive in approximately
minutes. He was rushed
to the ER where he was given immediate
attention by the doctors
and nurses. They were very present,
calm, and capable and I will be forever grateful
to them.
He spent the next day in Intensive
Care where I witnessed that he was give
excellent care and attention. I felt great confidence even though we were on a small Island in a foreign
land. However, with his injuries and his history
of heart attacks
and a stroke, I felt it best to have him medically evacuated to the
United States where I believed
that he would be in a place with superior care, doctors, and resources. I
was concerned about potential complications and wanted him in the United States
where I believed that he would receive
the best care.
Trinity Air Ambulance
was AMAZING. Cory was as an absolute
superstar caring for my dad and managing his pain. Lisa was a rock for me. She was in constant contact
and gave amazing comfort
and advice. I would recommend this company to anyone.
They are to be commended! Thank you guys!!!
When we arrived
at the Ryder Trauma Center, my dad was ushered
in and I was shocked by the way that he was "manhandled." I
am not a doctor, but it was in stark contrast to the intentional yet gentle way that
he had been treated up to that point by the medical staff in Bonaire
and by Cory with Trinity Ambulance. I was afraid that they would could cause
further injury. A social worker ushered
me to the lobby and told
me to wait there. I had
no idea what was going on or what to do. I had hardly eaten or slept for 3 days and was completely in shock.
Thank God that, Hospitality Coordinator with Jackson International showed up with another colleague
took me to VUMI International
Patient Reception Center and helped me to make arrangements for a place to stay. Those guys were life savers
that night and are to be commended.
VUMI was extremely helpful and was a great resource.