Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thanks to Everyone Involved!


    I would like to thank you and everyone involved in  getting my mom & dad home safely to Massachusetts.  You alleviated a lot of stress for me and my entire family.  Victoria was absolutely  amazing!  She is professional, capable, and enjoyable even  under the circumstances.

Best Regards,

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Most Unbelievable Air Ambulance Service

To Everyone at Trinity Air,

Please accept this as the highest acclamation of the most unbelievable air ambulance service rendered to patient in his transfer to Jackson Memorial.

Not only was the service received of the highest possible order, but simple courtesies of constant updates were provided every step of the way.

Trinity might as well stop advertising and rely on me to single handedly accomplish that for you. Your competitors can only wish to come anywhere close to the work you do.


Dr. Colin Plotkin

Dip.Pharm., MB.B.CH. 
Medical Consultant / Care Management 
Dr. Colin Plotkin & Sons Consulting

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Thank you for helping us rescue our son


Thank you for helping us rescue our son, David Harriman, from Fukashima following the earthquake in March, 2011. We were able to extricate David through a drive through the night of David & friends to the Fukashima airport on a small amount of fuel for the car, subsequently flying to SW Japan and ultimately on Air Canada to Toronto from Tokyo. David returned to Fukashima shortly after and continues to work (teaching English & Music) at the AGORA School.

Kind regards,

Neville Harriman BA, FIIC, ARM